Elizabeth Burton-Nanovic Honored with 2018 PBA Pro Bono Award
Elizabeth Burton-Nanovic, a Wills for Heroes coordinator and frequent volunteer from Lehigh County to Pike County, was honored with a 2018 PBA Pro Bono Award at the recent Lehigh County WFH Event on Saturday, April 14, 2018.
Barbin Receives 2018 PBA Pro Bono Award, Feb. 10, 2018
Andrew W. Barbin was honored Feb. 10, 2018 with a PBA Pro Bono Award for his broad and diverse service to those in need at the Widener Commonwealth School of Law. An active member of both the Cumberland County and Dauphin County Bar Associations, as well as the Pennsylvania Bar Association, Attorney Barbin was fittingly honored at Widener's Wills for Heroes event as he has been one of the most consistent volunteers for the WFH program, often traveling to distant sites to offer expert support for the program that provides estate planning documents to first responders and veterans. He volunteers at more than 10 WFH programs a year.
Barbin (center) is pictured receiving his award from PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis and PBA administrative assistant and WFH Regional Coordinator Gabriele Miller-Wagner.
December 2014 Event Marks More Than 1,000 Wills for Heroes Now Completed in Lancaster County
At the Wills for Heroes event on Dec. 6, 2014, Lancaster County lawyers marked the milestone of having assisted more than 1,000 first-responders complete wills. Shown below at the event, from left, are Jon Koltash, PBA YLD treasurer; Cindy Geib; Eric Rothermel, Lancaster County Wills for Heroes coordinator; and Lars Anderson, PBA YLD chair.

Wills for Heroes Training and Event in Hershey, Sept. 26-27, 2014
Following a training session for Wills for Heroes program county coordinators on Sept. 26, a Wills for Heroes event was held Sept. 27 in Hershey. Below are photos from the event.

Wills for Heroes county coordinators and program supporters.
From left, PBA President Francis X. O'Connor; Lisa Shearman, Wills for Heroes statewide co-coordinator; Claudia Williams, associate general counsel, The Hershey Company; and Sandy Romaszewski, Bucks County Wills for Heroes coordinator and trainer with Shearman for the Sept. 26 training program.

At left, O'Connor and Shearman; at right, Air Force veteran Michael E. Danielczyk and wife Kathy, a Hershey employee, both of whom had their wills done during the event.

Giving Back through Wills for Heroes Event at Centre Square Fire Station, Montgomery County, Sept. 20, 2014
When a fire started last December at his home in Gwynedd Valley, William G. Roark received assistance from four fire departments, including the Centre Square Fire Company. So Roark decided to give back by organizing and supporting a Wills for Heroes event at the Center Square station. Shown above are Roark, left, and Rick Smith, Centre Square Fire Company deputy fire chief.

Wills for Heroes 2012 Event
In the photo below, PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis, with Katherine Atkinson, Ballard Spahr summer associate, and Matt Gutt, Exelon assistant general counsel, participate at a Pennsylvania State Police Wills for Heroes event in 2012.