Lancaster’s Blakinger Thomas Law Firm and attorney Angela Flouras Rieck honored with PBA Pro Bono Awards, Dec. 12, 2019
Lancaster’s Blakinger Thomas Law Firm and attorney Angela Flouras Rieck were honored with PBA Pro Bono Awards on Dec. 12. Pictured below, from left: Lisa Driendl-Miller, Lancaster Bar Association (LBA) executive director; David Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator; Aaron Hollis of Blakinger Thomas, Awardee Rieck; Angely Rodriguez, MidPenn Legal Services pro bono coordinator and LBA Incoming President Eric Athey.

Reibsome of Franklin County Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Oct. 25, 2019
Christoper L. Reibsome, Christopher Reibsome Law LLC, Greencastly, was recognized with a 2019 PBA Pro Bono Award at the Franklin County Bar Association Pro Bono Award Luncheon, Oct. 25 in Chambersburg. Reibsome was honored for his willingness to accept difficult PFA, custody and divorce cases, including cases from the Law Offices of Women in Need, and making lasting, positive impacts in the lives of his clients.
Pictured below, from left: Franklin County Legal Services executive director Gloria Keener; PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis; PBA Zone 3 Governor and Franklin County Bar President Kristen Hamilton, Reibsome, MidPenn Legal Services Managing Attorney Paul Edgar and Deborah Dresser Neiderer, managing attorney of the Law Offices of Women in Need

Hadrick of Dauphin County Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Oct. 24, 2019
Rachel R. Hadrick of McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC, Harrisburg, was awarded a 2019 PBA Pro Bono Award during the PBA Minority Bar Committee’s Central PA Minority Law Day, Oct. 24 in Harrisburg. The award recognized her work chairing event, which brought nearly 60 high school students and educators to the Widener Commonwealth Law School for an interactive and informative day of legal experiences, ranging from mock appellate arguments to career exploration. Hadrick is a member of the PBA Diversity Team and the PBA Minority Bar Committee (MBC).
Pictured below, from left: Roberto Datorre, MBC council member; Hadrick; David Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator, and Andrea Farney, MBC secretary

Mellott of Bucks County Receives Pro Bono Award, Oct. 23, 2019
Diane C. Mellott of Bristol was honored with a 2019 PBA Pro Bono Award on Oct. 23 in Doylestown. Mellott was recognized for her representation of plaintiffs in protection from abuse cases on behalf of Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania – Bucks County Division.
Pictured below, from left: Bucks County Bar Association (BCBA) President Robert Repko; PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis; Jennifer Pierce, BCBA Pro Bono chair and Legal Services of Southeast Pennsylvania managing attorney, Bucks County Division (Doylestown); Mellott; Bucks County Judge James M. McMaster; Bucks County President Judge Wallace H. Bateman, Jr. and Bucks County Judge Robert O. Baldi

Studzinski of York County Receives Pro Bono Award, Oct. 23, 2019
Mary Studzinski, executive director of the Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center (PIRC), was honored with a 2019 PBA Pro Bono Award at the York County Bar Association Access to Justice Summit on Oct. 23. Studzinski was honored for her work with PIRC, which works to provide access to justice for vulnerable immigrants in detention and in the community through legal services, education and advocacy.
Pictured below, from left: York County Judge Craig Trebilcock; Clasina Houtman, York County Public Defender’s Office and PIRC board president; Studzinski, PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis

Scott of Philadelphia Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Oct. 21, 2019
PBA Zone 1 Governor Wesley R. Payne IV (right) presented a PBA Pro Bono Award to Nigel S. Scott of Philadelphia during the PBA Minority Bar Committee Philadelphia High School Law Day, Oct. 21. The award recognized Scott’s years of service to the program and his providing law-related public education as a form of pro bono service.

Goldstein of Dauphin County Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Sept. 25, 2019
PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Keller Trevaskis (right) presented a PBA Pro Bono Award to Corky Goldstein at the Dauphin County Bar Association Fall Membership Meeting on Sept. 25 in Harrisburg.

Baxter, Heidt and Trucilla of Erie County Honored with Pro Bono Awards, Aug. 22, 2019
PBA President Anne N. John presented the Civil Legal Aid Attorney of the Year Award to David A. Baxter of Northwestern Legal Services; Chief Justice Ronald D. Castille Award to Erie County President Judge John J. Trucilla; and Jeffrey A. Ernico Award to private practitioner Gregory L. Heidt during the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network Board Meeting on Aug. 22 in Erie.
Pictured below (left to right): Erie County Bar Association President Bradley K. Enterline, Northwestern Legal Services Executive Director Jennifer Langer, Baxter, PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis, John, Judge Trucilla and Heidt.
Oakes of Susquehanna County Receives PBA Pro Bono Partner Award, April 13, 2019
On April 13, 2019, PBA Past President and Susquehanna County Wills for Heroes Coordinator Frank O’Connor presented legal secretary Debra Oakes with a PBA Pro Bono Partner Award during a Wills for Heroes event in Montrose where nearly 30 veterans were served. Oakes was honored for being a driving force for the county program, helping to schedule and organize each event from start to finish. Wills for Heroes, a program of the PBA Young Lawyers Division, is sponsored in Susquehanna County by Ballard Spahr LLP, Susquehanna County Bar Association, Peoples Security Bank & Trust and the Community Foundation of the Endless Mountains.
Pictured below, from left: PBA WFH Coordinator Gabriele Miller-Wagner, Debra Oakes and Frank O’Connor

Lamoureux of Lebanon County receives PBA William H.G. Warner Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award, March 8, 2019
Corey Lamoureux, Reilly Wolfson, Lebanon, received the 2018 PBA William H.G. Warner Pro Bono Attorney of the Year on March 8 at the Legal Needs Clinic at the Lebanon VA Hospital. The annual award, named for the late William H.G. Warner, Esq., recognizes a attorney who is committed to providing legal services to the public and to helping to make Pro Bono legal service what it is today in Lebanon County.
Pictured below, from left: PBA Pro Bono Fellow Tom Brier, MidPenn Legal Services Managing Attorney Nick Matash, Lamoureux, Lebanon County President Judge John C. Tylwalk, PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis and PBA Pro Bono Office Administrator Gabriele Miller-Wagner.

Irwin of Cumberland County Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Jan. 31, 2019
Harold S. Irwin, III, Irwin Law Office, Carlisle, was honored with a 2019 PBA Pro Bono Award on Jan. 31, 2019, at the Cumberland County Bar Association (CCBA) annual dinner for completing 15 pro bono cases over the past year, which took roughly 63 hours of time to execute. Irwin has been a part of the CCBA Pro Bono Referral Program since 2014.
Hillman of Lycoming County Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Jan. 14, 2019
Bradley S. Hillman of Casale & Bonner PC, Williamsport, received a PBA Pro Bono Award and the Lycoming Law Association (LLA) Hon Thomas Wood. Jr. Equal Access to Justice on Jan. 14, 2019, at the LLA annual banquet. Hillman was recognized for his dedication to a PFA panel and as a family law resource.
Pictured below, from left: LLA President Christian Frey, PBA President Charles Eppolito, Bradley Hillman and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis

Dreyer of Delaware County Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Jan. 11, 2019
Thomas A. Dreyer of Delaware County received a PBA Pro Bono Award for his consistent efforts in the pro bono program handling divorce matters, Jan. 11, 2019, at the Delaware County Bar Association President's Dinner.
Pictured below, from left: Legal Aid of Southeastern PA Pro Bono Coordinator Thomas Kerstan, PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Keller Trevaskis, LASP Executive Director Shawn Boehringer, Thomas Dreyer, PBA President Charles Eppolito

Speiser of Chester County Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Jan. 11, 2019
Jean Speiser received a 2019 PBA Pro Bono Award at the Chester County Bar Association (CCBA) President’s Dinner on Jan. 11. Speiser was recognized for her commitment and devotion to the Chester County Access to Justice program and Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania. She pioneered the handling of special immigrant juvenile status cases, which gives lawful permanent residency to minors who were abused, neglected and abandoned by their parents.
Pictured with Speiser (center front) are (from left) CCBA President Patrick M. McKenna, PBA President Charles Eppolito and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis.

Bergdoll of York County Receives PBA Pro Bono Award, Jan. 7
John Bergdoll IV of John G. Bergdoll Attorney at Law, York, was presented with a 2019 PBA Pro Bono Award from PBA President Charles Eppolito at the York County Bar Association annual dinner on Jan. 7. Bergdoll was recognized for his consistent dedication to providing legal assistance in a variety of high-demand areas, contributing nearly 80 hours of service over the past few years. Bergdoll is a panelist on the York County Bar Foundation’s pro bono program in partnership with MidPenn Legal Services.
Pictured below, from left: John Bergdoll IV, PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis, PBA President Eppolito