HARRISBURG (May 8, 2019) — Philadelphia lawyer Charles Eppolito III, a partner in White and Williams LLP, will become immediate past president of the Pennsylvania Bar Association at the conclusion of association’s Annual Meeting, May 17, in Lancaster.
In his role as the 2018-19 PBA president, Eppolito traveled tens of thousands of miles crisscrossing the commonwealth to meet and discuss issues of shared concern with lawyers and judges from more than 40 counties. Eppolito also sought to form partnerships and collaborative relationships with numerous groups and individuals associated with the justice system and the practice of law, including judges, legislators, deans of all nine of Pennsylvania’s law schools, Attorney General Josh Shapiro and Governor Tom Wolf.
“By working together, we will all be best positioned to achieve our mutual goals: improving the justice system, supporting the legal profession and practice of law, and serving the citizens of Pennsylvania,” Eppolito said.
Eppolito created the PBA Cybersecurity and Data Privacy Committee, which he charged with analyzing cybersecurity issues and educating PBA members about legal, regulatory and industry standards that preserve the confidentiality of protected information. This committee has grown in membership, launched a blog providing updates on current issues and best practices, and is preparing to present programming on these topics.
This year, Eppolito called for the creation of a series of videos to educate young people about the United States Constitution. This important civics education initiative is designed to ensure that Pennsylvania’s citizens and future leaders have a better understanding of the values of American democracy and the importance of the Rule of Law and an independent judiciary. The videos and accompanying materials are available free of charge to Pennsylvania schools.
Eppolito previously served as the 2017-18 PBA president-elect, 2016-17 PBA vice president, PBA secretary from 2007 until 2010 and as chair of the PBA House of Delegates, the association’s policy-making body, from 2011 until 2013. He has served as a member of the PBA House of Delegates since 2001. He was the 2002-03 chair of the PBA Young Lawyers Division and is active in the PBA YLD High School Mock Trial Competition for Pennsylvania students.
In addition, Eppolito was 2014-16 co-chair of the Pennsylvania Bar Leadership Institute, which provides learning opportunities for emerging young leaders of the association.
Eppolito also served as chair of the PBA Membership Development Committee. He served as the chair of the PBA Quality of Life/Balance Committee, vice chair of the PBA Health Care Law Committee, co-chair of the 2005-06 PBA Annual Meeting Task Force and co-chair of the PBA Midyear Meeting.
He received a PBA President’s Award in 2009, the PBA YLD Michael K. Smith Excellence in Service Award in 2007 and a PBA Special Achievement Award in 2006. He has served as an investigative panel member for the Pennsylvania Judicial Evaluation Commission.
Eppolito is a Fellow of the Pennsylvania Bar Foundation.
He has been active in the American Bar Association (ABA), serving in its House of Delegates and on the House Select Committee and the Tellers Committee. He also is a member of the ABA’s Medical Professional Liability Standing Committee, and the Bioethics and the Law Special Committee.
He served as chair of the Medicine and Law Committee of the ABA Tort Trial and Insurance Practice Section and received its Exceptional Achievement Award in 2010. He previously held a number of leadership positions in the ABA's Young Lawyers Division.
A member of the Philadelphia Bar Association, Eppolito served as co-chair of its Environmental and Energy Law Committee from 2012 to 2016 and previously served on the executive board of the Young Lawyers Division. He is a member of the Montgomery Bar Association and serves on its Medical-Legal Committee. He also is a member of the Chester County Bar Association. In addition, he recently served as a board member of the Justinian Society of Philadelphia.
Eppolito has been named a Pennsylvania “Rising Star” attorney numerous times since 2005 by Law & Politics magazine as a result of a survey of his peers. He has been named a “Lawyer on the Fast Track” by Pennsylvania Law Weekly, The Legal Intelligencer and a panel of judges throughout Pennsylvania.
Eppolito has been a speaker or panelist for a number of professional programs, including effective trial advocacy, trial strategy and tips, alternative dispute resolution, effective use and cross-examination of medical experts, mentoring, diversity and quality of life/balance. He served as a Hearing Committee member for the Disciplinary Board of the Pennsylvania Supreme Court.
Eppolito is a trial lawyer whose practice consists primarily of the defense of health care providers (hospitals, health systems, physicians, physician groups, nurses), as well as defending matters involving negligence, electrical engineering and product liability issues in utilities cases.
Eppolito is a cum laude graduate of Villanova University and the Villanova University School of Law.
Founded in 1895, the Pennsylvania Bar Association strives to promote justice, professional excellence and respect for the law; improve public understanding of the legal system; facilitate access of legal services; and serve the lawyer members of the state's largest organized bar association.