This collection of lessons and lesson plans, developed by teachers and lawyers, is designed for K-12 students.
A Tale of Two Philadelphia Museums
Is the Pledge of Allegiance Constitutional? - This lesson is designed for Grade 9 - 12 students.
PennCORD Program
"Heritage of Our Freedoms: Milestones in Legal History" by James T. Ranney, Esq.
The First Amendment & Protection of Students' Rights - This teaching unit was written by Maryam Ahranjani, who is a lawyer, teacher and author. She can be reached at [email protected]. Portions of the unit were drawn from We the Students: Supreme Court Cases for and about Students by Jamin B. Raskin. It is designed for Grade 9 - 12 students.
No Animals in the Library - This lesson is designed for K-2 students.
"Shamus the Squirrel" story - This story is designed for K - 6 students.
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