The Solo and Small Firm Section shall take as its province the enhancement of the skill of the lawyer in solo and small firm practice, by providing a forum for the exchange of ideas and information essential to improvement of the lawyers' quality of legal services; the assistance of lawyers in solo or small firm practice in utilizing the best techniques, methods and procedures for carrying on the practice of law and providing legal services, so that lawyers engaged in the solo or small firm practice of law will improve their ability to deliver the most efficient and highest quality of legal services to their clients; the provision of a medium through which solo and small firm practitioners may cooperate with, encourage and assist each other in the resolution of problems common to them and to the legal profession, all to their mutual benefit and that of the Association and the legal profession at large; and the representation of lawyers engaged in the solo or small firm practice of law.
PBA. Bylaws, Article VI, Section 642
Chair’s Welcome

It is my pleasure to welcome you to the online home of the Solo and Small Firm Section. If you are not already a member, please consider joining here. Our section is unique in that we are brought together not by any specific area of law, but rather, the size of our practices. This section is here to help solos and smalls across Pennsylvania. While we help our solo and small firm colleagues in many ways, the major benefit this section provides is by gathering the information you need in one place, as well as helping to eliminate the isolation that is common in solo and small practices.
As you know, I am leading this section during a particularly difficult time. It is my goal, during the pandemic we are all facing, to help section members by providing free webinars, social (distancing) events and other tools to help with both your practices and your well-being. In addition, our flagship event, the Conference, was presented virtually this year. All of the individual sessions were recorded and are available on PBI’s website. We also offer a mentoring program. This includes a traditional program through which experienced lawyers help those just starting out, and reverse mentoring, for those who have been practicing for a while but need assistance in a new practice area.
If you have not had a chance, subscribe to our popular Listserv. This is a place where members exchange ideas, information and the occasional joke (some of which are even funny). This section is one in which people help each other, and answers to questions and requests for assistance normally come quickly. You will also find useful and entertaining information contained within our newsletter, made available several times each year by our able editors.
Section members can also turn to our online Resources. These include:
- Recordings of our webinars
- Articles on ethics and technology by section members
- Information and forms on succession planning for your practice
Our section’s Council is here to lobby for the needs of solo and small firm attorneys across the commonwealth. This includes requesting that the Pennsylvania Bar Association support laws and regulations of use to solos and smalls, as well as supporting laws and regulations that other sections and committees put forth that are helpful to us and our practice of law in all substantive areas. We also lobby within the bar association to support policies to help you, the solo and small firm attorney.
I urge section members to feel free to reach out to me directly if there is some way I, the section or the bar association can be of assistance to you. If you are considering joining the Solo and Small Firm Section and have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me.
I hope everyone can stay healthy and well during this difficult time.
Jennifer Ellis