Projects and Programs

Pennsylvania Bar Association Pro Bono Sign-Up

Each year, the PBA Pro Bono Office answers calls for help from thousands of impoverished Pennsylvanians and from veterans in need. Under this program, volunteer attorneys are asked to screen calls made to the PBA Pro Bono Hotline and use the resources at and to provide advice and direction to those callers. Lawyers are also asked, when possible, to provide direct legal aid services.

Lawyers who haven not previously provided pro bono services through the PBA Pro Bono Office should complete this form.

Lawyers are also welcome to volunteer their services directly to the PBA Pro Bono Office by contacting David Trevaskis at or 717-571-7414.

Youth Courts



Law Pay
100 South Street, Harrisburg, PA 17101

Phone: 800-932-0311

Western Pennsylvania Office:

Heinz 57 Center, 339 Sixth Avenue, Suite 760
Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Phone: 412-914-8840