The Section on Labor and Employment Law shall take as its province the development and practical working of the law relating to labor relations.
PBA Bylaws, Article VI, Section 648
The purposes of the Section shall be to (a) promote a more thorough understanding among members of the Bar of the legal problems encountered in the field of labor, employment and industrial relations within the Commonwealth; (b) provide to members of the Bar, particularly those interested in labor-management and employee relations, a means whereby that interest may be shared with others in programs of study and discussion or by means of reports, articles or conferences; (c) conceive and implement studies, programs, conferences and seminars in cooperation with local Bar Associations, employer associations, union organizations and educational institutions or other interested groups; (d) provide for the establishment of regular or special committees to report on legislative or administrative matters dealing with the labor and industrial relations field within the Commonwealth; (e) undertake such other activities as the Section may decide upon to further its basic purposes.
Article I, Section 2 of the By-Laws of the Section of Labor and Employment Law
Chair’s Welcome

Hello, and a warm welcome from the Labor & Employment Law Section of the PBA! For those existing members, we are so glad to have you. And for those visiting, we welcome the opportunity to show you all that our section can offer.
The section focuses on a collaborative working environment among all of its members for the purpose of improving each member’s practice (and to have fun while doing that). Each year, our section’s Council looks to identify ways to grow the section and improve upon the benefits which we provide our members. A couple of the section’s recent (and ongoing) initiatives include:
- Zoom Meetings and Roundtable Discussions. During these new and rapidly evolving times, section members are able to get together periodically in an open forum to discuss new developments and issues that they have encountered in practice.
- Section Retreats. Previous retreats have been held in Hershey, Pa, and traditionally included:
- social hour;
- dinner;
- engaging CLEs (hot topics in labor and employment, judges’ panel to name a few); and
- topnotch key note speakers (Jillian Thomas, author of Because of Sex and David Lopez, former EEOC General Counsel).
- Our next Section Retreat will be held on March 12-13, 2021 at the Hotel Hershey.
- E-Newsletter. Section provides its members with a biannual E-Newsletter with articles on hot topics, legal updates, and general Section news.
- Referral Source. The section provides its members with a referral source for all services which its members may need to assist with their practices. From personal experience, I can tell you that I have both received case referrals and referred cases out through the section. Want to know other members’ experiences with a specific judge or arbitrator? All you need to do is ask. Need a reliable courier, court reporter, or any other vendor for your practice? Ask the section.
- Email Listserv. Section members are able to email questions and pass along information to all members who are members through the section’s email Listserv. You have access to the best of the best labor and employment attorneys across the state. Take advantage of it.
- Legislative Review. The section works with the Legislative Law Committee to closely track and respond to proposed legislation concerning labor and employment law issues.
We are grateful for every one of our members. It is our members, and their active participation, that make this section a success. To our existing members, we thank you. And to those who are not members yet, we hope you take advantage of our section and its benefits and join us!
Larry A. Weisberg
Chair (2020 – 2021)