2020-21 PBA President David E. Schwager Issues Statement on Recent Injustices Against People of Color (June 2020)
2019-20 PBA President Anne N. John Issues Statement on COVID-19 and Racism (March 2020)
PBA COVID-19 Task Force Launches Online Resources Guide (includes connections to the courts, federal and state information, programs to assist small businesses, mental health support services, legislation, governmental orders, considerations for office reopenings and more) (April 2020)
Wes Payne Receives Defense Attorney of the Year Award (Aug. 2019)
Sharon R. López Receives 2019 David M. Rosenblum GLBT Public Policy Award (May 2019)
PBA Names Gladys Brown 2017 Government Lawyer of the Year (Nov. 2017)
PBA Young Lawyers Division Presents Michael K. Smith Excellence in Service Award to Philip H. Yoon (May 2016)
Michael H. Reed Receives PBA Minority Bar Committee’s Lifetime Achievement Award (March 2016)
Tsiwen Law Honored with Minority Bar Committee’s Lifetime Achievement Award (March 2013)
Prince Altee Thomas Receives Legal Intelligencer Lifetime Achievement Award (May 2016)
Hargrove Named Pennsylvania Bar Association's Diversity Officer (Jan. 2014)
Carlton L. Johnson is the recipient of a Diversity Award from the Black Law Students Association at Temple University Beasley School of Law and the Minority Business Leadership Award from the Philadelphia Business Journal (Aug. 2012). Read more.
Beverly H. Rampaul Appointed to American Bar Association’s Young Lawyer Leadership Program (August 2011)
Twanda Turner-Hawkins Elected National Bar Association Vice President (Aug. 2010)
Hon. Magdeline D. Coleman Appointed Judge of U.S. Bankruptcy Court (June 2010)
Awarded Philadelphia Bar Association’s Wachovia Fidelity Award winner (Dec. 2008)