This guide, a project of the PBA COVID-19 Task Force, provides links to information of assistance to Pennsylvania lawyers.
DISCLAIMER: This information is being issued to inform, not to advise, and should not be considered legal advice. Some information is based on Pennsylvania law. The statements are general, and individual facts in a given case may alter their application or involve other laws not referred to here.
Connections to the courts
Reopening guidance for businesses
Federal information and programs to assist small businesses
- Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act – Revisions to First Interim Final Rule (Small Business Administration)
- Joint Statement by SBA Administrator and U.S. Treasury Secretary Regarding Enactment of the Paycheck Protection Program Flexibility Act (June 8, 2020)
- President Trump Signs Law Easing PPP Loan Rules: 6 Things To Know (Fortune, June 5, 2020)
- Trump Signs New Law Relaxing PPP Rules: What You Need to Know (Fortune, June 5, 2020)
- Key Changes in Just-passed PPP Loan Bill Give Small Businesses 24 weeks to Use Funds (Fortune, June 4, 2020)
- Loan Forgiveness Process for the Paycheck Protection Program – Interim Rules (Small Business Administration)
- Responsibilities of Lenders and Borrowers for the Paycheck Protection Program – Interim Rules (Small Business Administration)
- Paycheck Protection Program Loan Forgiveness Application (Small Business Administration)
- Paycheck Protection Program Updated Information Sheet from the U.S. Treasury
- Here’s how to avoid a common mistake small businesses make when applying for loans, according to an SBA official (CNBC)
- Paycheck Protection Program Updated FAQs from the Small Business Administration
- Save Small Business: Helping Small Employers Who Are Struggling During the COVID-19 Outbreak (U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation)
- Paycheck Protection Program/EIDL Grants Comparison Flow Chart (Committee on Small Business)
- Guide to the Employee Retention Tax Credit for COVID-19 Impacted Employers (U.S. Chamber of Commerce)
- Economic Injury Disaster Loan Assistance Application (U.S. Small Business Administration)
- Federal Small Business Paycheck Protection Program FAQ (U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship)
- Federal Small Business Paycheck Protection Program Guide (U.S. Chamber)
- Affiliation Rules Applicable to U.S. Small Business Administration Paycheck Protection Program (U.S. Treasury)
- Paycheck Protection Program Interim Final Rule (U.S. Small Business Administration)
- Webinar Recording: Understanding the Paycheck Protection Program (ElderCounsel LLC)
- Guide to Small Business Administration Economic Injury Disaster Loans (U.S. Chamber)
- How to Get Your SBA Loan Faster (U.S. Small Business Administration)
- The Small Business Owner’s Guide to the CARES Act (U.S. Senate Committee on Small Business and Entrepreneurship)
- Federal CARES Act: What you need to know and do about the federal CARES Act (Pa. Department of Labor and Industry)
- Webinar Recording: CARES Act and Important Information for Employers -- Access Webinar Recording, Password: MyBenefit@2020 (Recorded April 2, My Benefit Advisor of USI Affinity and The Harrison Group)
- CARES Act: What Do Employers Need to Know? (Orrick - Global Employment Law Group, JD Supra LLC)
- U.S. Department of Homeland Security COVID-19 Resources
- State and Federal Funding Options (Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development (DCED)
State information and programs to assist small businesses
Mental health support services for lawyers
CLE resources for lawyers
Articles, blog posts and guidance for lawyers
Legislation and governmental orders of interest to lawyers
DISCLAIMER: The below enacted legislation and orders may be of interest to lawyers but do not necessarily reflect the positions of the PBA.
Pennsylvania (Enacted)
- Act 9 (House Bill 68) – makes applying for unemployment compensation easier for workers affected by the COVID-19 pandemic
- Act 10 (House Bill 1232) – provides $50 million for the purchase of medical equipment and supplies for hospitals, nursing facilities and emergency medical services to meet the urgent needs by patients and staff
- Act 12 (Senate Bill 422) – reschedules the 2020 primary election from April 28 to June 2 and makes other election process changes, including some due to the COVID-19 emergency
- Act 13 (Senate Bill 751) – waives the requirement for schools to be in session at least 180 days, provides for continuity of education plans, ensures school employees are paid during the closure, and provides the Secretary of Education with authority to waive student teacher and standardized assessments.
- Act 15 (Senate Bill 841) permits remote notarization of all documents and municipalities to meet remotely by telecommunications device during the COVID-19 disaster emergency after meeting certain requirements; Act 15 further permits local governments to provide greater flexibility on property tax deadlines.
Pennsylvania (Pending)
Federal (Enacted)
Governmental orders
Information for law students and recent law school graduates
COVID-19 resources by subject area
Children's Rights
Discrimination and Racism
Solo and Small Firm Practice
Workers’ Compensation
Pro bono service during the crisis