Clements Honored with Civil Legal Aid Attorney of the Year Award, Nov. 20, 2017
Barbara Clements, pro se coordinator for the Allegheny County Family Court, was awarded the 2017 Civil Legal Aid Attorney of the Year Award, Nov. 20, in Pittsburgh. Clements interacts with thousands of self-represented litigants every year. She steers them to the appropriate legal aid provider when they are eligible for free legal services. She works closely with the court’s Self Help Center and with the family law clinics operated by Pitt and Duquesne law schools. Clements is a member of the administrative board of the Pittsburgh Pro Bono Partnership, where she works with law firms, corporation legal departments, and legal aid organizations to identify areas of need and create programs to meet those needs. Her insight into the problems encountered by self-represented and low-income individuals in family court matters makes her a valuable part of the legal aid community. This year marks the 13th year for the Civil Legal Aid Attorney of the Year Award, given to a legal services attorney or court official selected by the PBA Legal Services to the Public Committee in recognition of exceptional contributions to improving civil legal aid in the commonwealth.
Pictured below are Barbara Griffin, director of the Allegheny County Bar Association Pro Bono Center; Clements; and Bridget Gillespie, PBA director of Western Pennsylvania Services
Dodson of Allegheny County Receives 2017 Pro Bono Award, Nov. 20, 2017
Beth Dodson is the co-coordinator of BNY Mellon’s pro bono programs in Pittsburgh. In this role, Dodson helps to develop new projects, manage existing projects, and recruit volunteers among her colleagues. Last year, she worked with Reed Smith to establish the Financial Literacy Project, a Signature Project of the Pittsburgh Pro Bono Partnership, where she serves on the administrative board. She also volunteers to take cases herself: preparing wills for low-income seniors, expunging criminal records, and helping transgendered individuals change their names to match their lived experiences. Dodson has devoted many hours — more than 30 last year and nearly 50 so far this year — to helping expand access to free legal services, and is therefore highly deserving of this award.
Pictured below are Barbara Griffin, director of the Allegheny County Bar Association Pro Bono Center; Dodson; and Bridget Gillespie, PBA director of Western Pennsylvania Services
Brinser and Wagner of Lebanon County Receive PBA William H. G. Warner Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award, Nov. 9, 2017
Lebanon Attorneys Gerald J. Brinser and Keith D. Wagner of the Law Firm of Brinser Wagner received the PBA’s William H. G. Warner Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award at the Lebanon County Bar Association’s Nov. 9 meeting and dinner. Wagner missed the ceremonies due to the demands of his family Christmas tree business, somehow appropriate on the coldest night since last winter. Neither lawyer missed anything when it came to helping the poor in 2017. The two lawyers have volunteered over 80 hours in the past year handling pro bono cases and represented 19 defendants in PFA actions during the year.
Nick Matash of MidPenn Legal Services said of the awardees, “Without Jerry and Keith, these parties would have otherwise not had the benefit of representation in their cases. In spite of the short deadlines in PFA matters, each attorney willingly accepted referrals”
The annual award, named for the late William H.G. Warner, Esq., recognizes an attorney (or attorneys) committed to providing legal services to the public and to helping to make pro bono legal service what it is today in Lebanon County. In the county in 2015-16, volunteer attorneys provided pro bono service to 324 clients in support of MidPenn Legal Services in custody, divorce, unemployment compensation, bankruptcy, child support and PFA cases. PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis applauded the lawyers for their good work, noting “the importance of having veteran members of the bar provide pro bono service both to model for younger attorneys and to provide the top service to those in need.” Brinser has been in practice since 1972 and Wagner has been practicing since 1985.
Pictured below are Trevaskis, Brinser and Matash.
Litzke of Bucks County Receives 2017 Pro Bono Award, Oct. 25, 2017
Bucks County attorney Kimberly Litzke was awarded the 2017 PBA Pro Bono Award on Oct. 25, 2017. Litzke has been a strong advocate in improving and increasing pro bono representation for family law matters in Bucks County, especially in the areas of protection from abuse and custody. She completed more than 40 pro bono PFAs on the day she was honored. Litzke has been dedicated in recruiting her law firm colleagues and other local private attorneys to actively participate in the Bucks pro bono program. She has conducted CLEs to teach other lawyers about possible pro bono areas, initiating even more participation. Litzke is highly recommended by and supportive of the legal aid attorneys and administrative support staff in the Bucks County Office of Legal Aid of Southeast Pennsylvania (LASP). LASP staff had this to say: “Kimberly Litzke deserves this award because her commitment to pro bono in Bucks County is amazing. Attorney Litzke has gone above and beyond her duty to volunteer time to pro bono matters. She continues to sacrifice countless hours ensuring that the protection from abuse program progresses forward.” Pictured below are David Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator; Maria Judith Rodriguez-Martyak Esq.; Elizabeth Fritsch, executive director, LASP; Stacey Mulholland, executive director, Bucks County Bar Association; Litzke; and Bucks County Judge C. Theodore Fritsch Jr.
MidPenn Legal Services Bankruptcy Panel Receives 2017 Pro Bono Award, Oct. 24, 2017
PBA President-elect Charles Eppolito presented MidPenn Legal Services Bankruptcy Panel with 2017 PBA Pro Bono Awards at the Berks County Bar Association’s Celebrate Pro Bono event. These awards recognized the group’s dedication to helping those experiencing financial difficulties through pro bono bankruptcy assistance, saving property at risk and helping their clients start fresh financially.
Cumberland County Lawyers Receive Pro Bono Awards, January 2017
Shown below, Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis presents PBA Pro Bono Awards to Paul Primrose (holding award) and Diane Radcliff (second from right) at the Cumberland County Bar Association Annual Dinner on Jan. 26. Click here to read the text of the presentation.
Friel of Delaware County Receives 2017 Pro Bono Award, Jan 20, 2017
PBA President Sara Austin joined Delaware County lawyers in celebrating the pro bono service of Karen Friel on Jan. 20, 2017. Austin honored Friel, a solo practitioner with a concentration in family law, general estate work, and criminal law, for accepting countless pro bono cases, primarily in the area of custody, and for generously volunteering her time and talent to help those in need. Friel also regularly accepts appointments from the court to handle criminal defense and Children and Youth cases. Prior to starting her own practice, Friel worked as a public defender from 1984-88, and she was an associate at the law firm of Banks, Banks and Langsam from 1982-84. Shown below, from left: Tom Kerstan, pro bono coordinator, Legal Aid of Southeast Pennsylvania; Karen Friel, 2017 PBA Pro Bono Award winner; Sara A. Austin, PBA president; David Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator; and Elizabeth Fritsch, executive director, Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania
Ayers of Lycoming County Receives 2017 Pro Bono Award, Jan 9, 2017
Shown below, PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis welcomes PBA President Sara A. Austin (at right) and PBA 2017 Pro Bono Award winner Jen Ayers at the Lycoming County Bar Association on Jan. 9. Click here to read Austin's remarks.
Skiba Named 2016 Erie County Pro Bono Attorney of the Year
Pictured below is Bridget Gillespie, PBA Director of Western Pennsylvania Services, presenting the Pro Bono Award to Gary Skiba. The PBA joined with the Erie County Bar Association and Northwestern Legal Services to honor Skiba, of Yochim, Skiba and Nash, for his work, primarily in bankruptcy, on behalf of the civil legal needs of Erie's low-income community. Skiba's pro bono work allowed a client to discharge her student loan in bankruptcy, giving her a much-needed fresh start. He has been an active volunteer since the county's Legal Aid Volunteer Attorney program began in 1982, representing more than 30 individuals over the years. Read more at
Pro Bono Week Event Features Awards Presentations, Oct. 24, 2016
Pictured below at left David K. Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator, and Michael E. Kelley, staff attorney with Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania, speak before a group of Montgomery County lawyers at the Oct. 24 Pro Bono Week celebration and expungement CLE at Montgomery Bar Association headquarters, Norristown. As shown below right, Trevaskis and Kelley also presented 2016 PBA Pro Bono Awards to Aetna attorneys Alan K. Maesaka (next to Trevaskis) and Justin V. Czubaroff. Trevaskis thanked the attorneys for their commitment to those in need, and Kelley noted, "Our Aetna volunteers have consistently come to help our clients directly during walk-intake hours with little to no recognition outside our office. They are a constant and welcome presence in our office, effectively counseling applicants and triaging those with emergency situations."
Moulton of Pike County Receives 2016 Pro Bono Award, Oct. 22, 2016
Shown below, in photo at left, PBA Administrative Assistant/Wills for Heroes Coordinator Gabriele Miller-Wagner presents Mark Moulton with his PBA Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award during the Pike County Wills for Heroes event held Oct. 22. In photo at right, left to right, are Kelly Gaughan, Pike County Bar Association (PCBA) secretary, Ronnie Fischer, Moulton, Miller-Wagner, PCBA Wills for Heroes Coordinator Elizabeth Burton, PCBA President Elizabeth Erickson Kameen and John Campo Jr.
D'Ambrosio Receives Pro Bono Award, Oct. 20, 2016
Shown below, Chester County LASP Pro Bono Coordinator Christine Zaccarelli introduces George D'Ambrosio as he receives the PBA Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award during the award reception, Oct. 20.
Allegheny County Bar Foundation Honors Individuals, Law Firm with Pro Bono Awards, Oct. 20, 2016
Through its 2016 Pro Bono Achievement Awards, the Allegheny County Bar Foundation will recognize six individuals and one law firm dedicated to the cause of providing free legal service to those in need. The awards will be presented at the ACBF's Fellows Reception, scheduled to begin at 5:30 p.m., Oct. 20 at the Hotel Monaco in downtown Pittsburgh. Get more information at
Imblum Receives 2016 Pro Bono Award, October 2016
Shown below at the presentation of a PBA Pro Bono Award at recent event in Harrisburg are, from left, Lyndsay Conforto of MidPenn Legal Services; Gary Imblum, 2016 PBA Pro Bono awardee for work with the Middle District Bankruptcy Project; and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David K. Trevaskis.

Turner of Dauphin County Receives 2016 Pro Bono Award, October 2016
Shown below at the presentation of a PBA Pro Bono Award to Steven Turner are, from left, county President Judge Richard A. Lewis, Dauphin County Bar Association Pro Bono Coordinator Sandy Ballard, Turner and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David K. Trevaskis.

Wolman Honored with Pro Bono Award, July 13, 2016
The PBA and Lancaster Bar Association (LBA) joined with MidPenn Legal Services to honor Lancaster attorney James D. Wolman for his pro bono work at a special luncheon on July 13, 2016. Wolman has been active in the LBA's Volunteer Attorney Program since 1988. He regularly accepts pro bono referrals across many areas of family law-support, custody and protection-from-abuse and takes an average of four pro bono cases per year. Recently, as community resources to provide free legal representation to victims of domestic violence in protection-from-abuse proceedings have diminished, Wolman's pro bono service has become increasingly concentrated in that area. MidPenn staff note that "He brings the wisdom of a seasoned family law practitioner and an understanding of the complex dynamics of domestic violence to these cases." Wolman was recognized by the LBA in 2005 for his commitment to pro bono service. In the decade since receiving that recognition, he has continued to demonstrate a true commitment to assisting individuals unable to afford counsel. Domestic violence destabilizes families and can impact housing, employment and the safety, stability and emotional health of children. Often, a protection-from-abuse order is the first step in restoring order and stability to the life of a family turned upside down by violence in the home. Wolman's pro bono assistance helps individuals and families obtain this critical fresh start. At a time when both civil legal aid resources and volunteer attorney participation are in decline, Wolman's service is more valuable than ever to the community. When advised that he was awarded the 2015 PBA Pro Bono Award, Wolman was surprised and humbled that he was being singled out for recognition. To him, pro bono work integrates "seamlessly" with the rest of his practice. In his view, pro bono service is just a natural part of his work as a lawyer. Shown below at the luncheon are (from left) LBA President Terry Warco; Sharon Wolman; James Wolman; PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis; Laurie Baughman, MidPenn deputy director for legal advocacy and managing attorney of the Lancaster MidPenn office; Angely Rodriguez, MidPenn Volunteer Attorney Program coordinator; MidPenn board member Rich Low; and James Kearney, MidPenn director of development.

Monroe County’s Martino Receives 2015 Pro Bono Award, March 11, 2016
David Martino, Monroe County’s 2015 PBA Pro Bono Volunteer of the Year, was honored with the award presentation during the Monroe County Bar Association’s quarterly meeting at Stroudsmoor Country Inn on March 11. Surrounded by fellow MCBA members, the Brodheadsville lawyer accepted accolades from MCBA Pro Bono Chair Mark Primrose, who said, “The word no is not in his [Martino’s] vocabulary.” A man of few words, Martino’s fluent generosity was evident over the past three years during which he provided free services to eight cases for Stroudsburg-based civil legal aid organization North Penn Legal Services (NPLS), compiling more than 25 hours assisting low-income county residents in need. Calling Martino, “A very kind and compassionate attorney,” NPLS Stroudsburg manager Jim Butz said Martino “does an exceptional job on a very consistent basis.” Primrose closed with thanks to Martino for “setting an example for us all.” Shown below (photo at left), Martino accepts the award and (photo at right) MCBA Pro-Bono Chair Mark Primrose congratulates Martino.

Cumberland County Lawyers Receive 2015 Pro Bono Awards, January 2016
Shown below, PBA President William H. Pugh V presents PBA Pro Bono Awards to Gregory H. Knight of Mechanicsburg for his protection-from-abuse pro bono defense work and Hannah R. Suhr of Camp Hill for her work with the Wills for Heroes program providing free estate-planning documents for police, firefighters and emergency medical personnel.

Miskey Honored With 2015 Civil Legal Aid Attorney of the Year Award at York Bar Dinner, Jan. 12, 2016

Howard Miskey, former MidPenn Legal Services director of advocacy and part-time managing attorney for the MPLS York office, was honored at the Jan. 12 county bar dinner with the 2015 Civil Legal Aid Attorney of the Year Award. The award recognizes his efforts to help forge the great partnership between the York County Bar Association and York County Bar Foundation and MPLS. Jointly nominated by those two bar entities, Miskey’s legacy is captured by the words of his former boss at MPLS, Rhodia Thomas: “[Howard] always put clients and client service first while providing advocates with the support they needed to enable them to deliver the highest quality of service.” In the photo, PBA President William H. Pugh V, right, and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis, left, present the award to Carrie Bowmaster, head of the MPLS York office.
Menges Receives 2015 Pro Bono Award, Jan. 12, 2016

Chris Menges (now Judge Menges) received a 2015 PBA Pro Bono Award by joint nomination of the York County Bar Association and MidPenn Legal Services, reflecting the partnership of private practice attorneys, local bars and local legal aid programs that remains the core model for pro bono service. Menges’ nominators said this about him: “Chris has handled pro bono referrals for years and he has been willing to accept custody cases at all stages and participates in both the divorce and custody pro se clinics. In addition, he also encourages the attorneys in his office to accept pro bono referrals resulting in the firm having 100 percent participation. His willingness to help has resulted in clients obtaining representation when they otherwise would have had to represent themselves." In the photo, PBA President William H. Pugh V, right, and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis, left, present the award to Judge Menges.
Judge Linebaugh Receives Castille Award, Jan. 12, 2016

York County Court of Common Pleas President Judge Stephen P. Linebaugh was celebrated with the 2015 Chief Justice Ronald D. Castille Award for his work establishing and institutionalizing the York County Court Self-Help Center. Megan Dietz, director, York County Court Self-Help Law Resource Center, shared why Judge Linebaugh’s work here was so significant: “The Court Self-Help Center offers another option for those who are unable to afford an attorney, and we strive to make the self-represented litigant’s experience navigating the legal system a little easier. Providing access to the courts to all persons is the right thing to do, and the Court Self-Help Center serves the litigant as well as the court by providing means for clearer, more efficient filings. People fill the center on a daily basis; the number of visitors finding assistance in the center is testament alone to the need for such a resource.” In the photo, PBA President William H. Pugh V, right, and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis, left, present the award to Judge Linebaugh.
Barnett Honored as Erie County 2015 Pro Bono Attorney of the Year, December 2015
The Erie County Bar Association and Northwestern Legal Services have honored Adam Barnett as Pro Bono Attorney of the Year for his dedicated work on behalf of the civil legal needs of the low-income community in Erie. Completing three cases in 2014, one that started in 2011 and two that started in 2013, Barnett represented low-income clients in the defense of civil lawsuits in which the indigent clients faced potential liability of several thousands of dollars, devoting more than 46 hours of billable time to those pro bono cases. Read more.
Bucks County Pro Bono Reception, Oct. 28, 2015
Meg Groff was awarded a 2015 Pro Bono Award on during the Bucks County Pro Bono Reception, Oct. 28, for her support of the needs of the indigent for most of her 31-year professional career, beginning in the early 1980's. Groff has made a career of public service, first as an attorney working for Bucks County Legal Aid, where she worked tirelessly to provide legal representation to victims of domestic violence, and later as a board member to the merged legal-services organization known as Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania. She was also on the board of A Woman's Place for many years. Additionally, after going in to private practice, she regularly volunteered her time to represent victims of domestic violence. Now, as she looks to retirement, it is fitting to recognize her for all the positive work she has done to assist victims of domestic violence throughout her career. She has truly made a change in the lives of thousands of individuals. Below is a photo of Groff receiving her award and a photo of the full house on hand for the event. In the third photo, lower left, are, left to right, Mitsue Shafer, Carol Wilbur, Mardi Busanus, Barbara Kaner and Jennifer Pierce, Esquire - all LASP staff. And in the fourth photo, left to right, are attendees Seth Weber, Carol Wilbur, Jennifer Pierce, Maryjane Kelley, Gregory Hill, Rhonda Sherrod, Barbara Kaner, Mardi Busanus and Mitsue Shafer.

PBA Pro Bono Awards Presented to Berks County Lawyers, Oct. 27, 2015
PBA Pro Bono Awards were presented during the Berks County Bar Association (BCBA) Pro Bono Celebration/CLE Seminar on Oct. 27. Recipients Bridget Cambria, Carol Anne Donohoe and Jacquelyn M. Kline were recognized for their legal work in support of mothers and children seeking asylum in the Berks County Residential Center. Pictured above, from left, are BCBA President Jesse L. Pleet, PBA President William H. Pugh V, keynote speaker Edgar Cahn, Kline, Donohoe and Cambria.

PBA Pro Bono Award Presented to Franklin County Lawyer Hoff, Oct. 26, 2015
The Franklin County Bar Association celebrated the services of attorneys who donate their time providing civil legal services to low-income individuals and families in Franklin County during the FCBA Pro Bono Luncheon in Chambersburg, Oct. 26. Shown above, is 2015 PBA Pro Bono Award recipient Deborah K. Hoff, with David K. Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator, right, and Forest N. Myers, of Shippensburg, a PBA past president. Read the news release, with more photos.

Russo of York County Receives Pro Bono Partner Award, Oct. 6, 2015
PBA President-elect Sara Austin and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis flank York County Pro Bono Partner Award winner Robert Russo at the York County Community Forum on Legal Aid, Oct. 6.
Pro Bono Awards Presentations in Dauphin County, Sept. 30, 2015
In the photos below, taken at the 2015 Dauphin County Bar Association’s Fall Membership Meeting, PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David K. Trevaskis presents the 2015 PBA Pro Bono Partner Award to Rose Merrick of Harrisburg law firm of Goldberg Katzman and a 2015 PBA Pro Bono Award to Jeremiah Underhill.

PBA Pro Bono Awards Presentations, Photos in Allegheny County, Summer 2015
Ann B. Wood Receives PBA Pro Bono Award for Volunteerism, March 16, 2015
Each year the PBA presents Pro Bono Awards to attorneys who work with local legal aid organizations to increase access to justice for our most vulnerable populations. Ann B. Wood of the law firm of Bell, Silberblatt and Wood in Clearfield was presented with a Pro Bono Award at the Clearfield County Bar Association's meeting on March 16, 2015. The award recognizes Wood for donating countless hours of legal services to nearly 400 low-income residents since 1975. Shown with Wood at the award presentation are Kathy J. Cella, MidPenn Legal Services pro bono coordinator, and Alicia Merrill, MidPenn Clearfield staff attorney,

Judge Hess Receives Castille Award, Jan. 22, 2015
Cumberland County President Judge Kevin A. Hess was honored with the presentation of the 2015 Chief Justice Ronald D. Castille Award at the annual meeting of the Cumberland County Bar Association, Jan. 22. The award, previously called the Judges Award, has been renamed in recognition of the former chief justice of Pennsylvania. It is presented annually to a judge selected by the PBA Legal Service to the Public Committee for his or her exceptional contributions to improving civil legal aid in the commonwealth. Hess received the award for his work improving legal services to those in need. Shown in the presentation photo above are, from left, Judge Hess, PBA President Francis X. O'Connor and Samuel W. Milkes, executive director of the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network.

Lycoming County's Kathleen Raker Receives PBA Pro Bono and Equal Justice Awards, Outstanding Law Firm Achievement Awards Also Presented, Jan. 12, 2015
David Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator (far left), presented Lycoming County attorney Kathleen Raker (second from right) with a PBA Pro Bono Award for 2015. North Penn Legal Services Executive Director Victoria Coyle (far right) and Williamsport Office Manager Danna Rich-Collins joined in the presentation. Read more about the event.

Indiana County President Judge Martin Receives Judges Award, Jan. 23, 2015
PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis presented Indiana County President Judge William J. Martin with a Judges Award from the PBA Legal Service to the Public Committee at an Indiana County Bar Association reception, Jan. 23. The awards recognize judges for exceptional contributions to improving civil legal aid in the commonwealth, and Judge Martin was honored for his work in opening his court to the neediest citizens of Indiana County. Shown above with Judge Martin are Laurel Legal Services attorney David Flowers and ICBA President Beverly A. Gazza. Get more information about the awards.
Lawrence J. Valeriano Jr. of Berks County Receives 2014 Pro Bono Award, November 2014
Read Valeriano's remarks.

Franklin County Bar Association Celebrates Attorneys Providing Civil Legal Services to Individuals, Families, Oct. 29, 2014
The Franklin County Bar Association Pro Bono Luncheon was held in Chambersburg. Clinton Barkdoll, FCBA president, welcomed area attorneys and thanked the attorneys and staff members who work for legal service agencies in Franklin County, along with the various members of the FCBA who provide pro bono services. "You are the unsung heroes of our legal system and we sincerely thank you for your service and excellent work," said Barkdoll. "Franklin County provides a level of legal services that is admired throughout Pennsylvania. This is something all of us should take great pride in." Mahesh Rao, chair of the Franklin County Bar Association's Pro Bono Committee, shared that pro bono services had been provided for Child Custody, Divorce, Child Support, Landlord Tenant, Wills and Estates, Bankruptcy, Protection from Abuse, Child Dependency, and Business Planning. This year's luncheon honored Kristin Diller Nicklas, of Nicklas Law Offices. Nicklas received the 2014 Pennsylvania Bar Association Pro Bono Award from David Trevaskis, the Pro Bono Coordinator for the Pennsylvania Bar Association. In his remarks, Trevaskis noted that Nicklas has accepted pro bono cases from all three programs this year and does additional pro bono work outside of the programs. She has accepted a very trying custody case this past year and helped the WIN program during a transition phase. Her willingness to help has resulted in clients obtaining representation when they otherwise would have had to represent themselves. Trevaskis also commended the splendid coordination between the three agencies in Franklin County that offer pro bono services. Franklin County Legal Services, MidPenn Legal Services and the Law Offices of Women in Need work together to provide much needed legal assistance. The yearly luncheon is held in conjunction with the Pennsylvania Bar Association Pro Bono Week. This week is an opportunity to highlight the difference lawyers make in their communities and to acknowledge the partnerships that form the basis for many successful pro bono efforts. Pictured above, left to right, are Mahesh Rao, pro bono committee chair; (front) Carrie Bowmaster, managing attorney of MidPenn Legal Services; David Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator; Kristin Diller Nicklas of Nicklas Law Office; Meghann Karasic, managing attorney of the law offices of Women in Need; Gloria Keener, executive director of Franklin County Legal Services; and Forest N. Myers, PBA immediate past president.

Tracy Sheffer Receives 2014 Pro Bono Award, Oct. 31, 2014
Adams County 2104 Pennsylvania Bar Association Pro Bono Award winner Tracy Sheffer is pictured above with (from left) Pennsylvania Supreme Court Justice J. Michael Eakin, PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David K. Trevaskis, Adams County Bar President Harold Eastman and MidPenn Legal Services local attorney John Perry. Sheffer was honored at the inaugural Adams County Bench/Bar Conference, Oct. 31, 2014, for consistently accepting "pro bono referrals. In each instance, she has gone to court with the client and helped them resolve their problems. Once she worked for five years on a case to help the client resolve all of her issues."

Daniel J. Clifford Receives 2014 Pro Bono Award, Sept. 23, 2014
Montgomery County lawyers and judges celebrated the pro bono partnership of the local bar, the courts, private practice attorneys and legal aid professionals that help the neediest among us have access to justice in September as noted family-law attorney Daniel J. Clifford was honored with a 2014 Pennsylvania Bar Association Pro Bono Award. William H. Pugh V, PBA president-elect, presented Clifford with his award and called on all lawyers to follow his positive example of giving back to the community. Pictured above are Pugh, Clifford and Nancy Paul, Montgomery Bar Association executive director.

Zucker Honored With Pro Bono Award, Sept. 23, 2014
Montgomery County lawyers and judges celebrated the pro bono partnership of the local bar, the courts, private practice attorneys and legal aid professionals that help the neediest among us have access to justice in on Sept. 23 as Conshohocken attorney Daniel P. Mudrick was honored with a 2013 Pennsylvania Bar Association Pro Bono Award. Mudrick’s partner, Adam Zucker, accepted the award on Mudrick’s behalf. William H. Pugh V, PBA president-elect, presented the award and called on all lawyers to follow the positive example of giving back to the community. Pictured above, from left, are Pugh, Montgomery Bar Association President Michael F. Rogers, Zucker and Paul. Retired Legal Aid of Southeast Pennsylvania Co-Executive Director Harvey Strauss said of Mudrick: “He has been a long time pro bono attorney for our program. He regularly does Chapter 7 bankruptcies for our clients and is a regular resource for many of our staff attorneys and paralegals.” Strauss added: “Without Mr. Mudrick's participation in our pro bono program, we would not be able to assist a number of clients each year. His skill and expertize is also an available resource to members of our staff.”

Presentation of 2013 PBA Pro Bono Award to Richard M. Lutz at the Delaware County Bar Association Summer Pro Bono Reception, June 25, 2014

Presentation of 2013 PBA Pro Bono Award to David Lindsay, June 2, 2014
Clinton County attorney David Lindsay was presented with a 2013 Pro Bono Award on June 2, 2014, at a meeting of the Clinton County Bar Association following a CLE presentation on access to justice by PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David Trevaskis. Shown above, left to right, are Clinton County Judge Michael Salisbury, award-winner Lindsay, Trevaskis, Michael Angelelli, county bar vice president, President Judge Craig Miller and Danna Rich-Colins of North Penn Legal Aid.
Zagurskie Receives 2013 Pro Bono Award, May 2, 2014
Donald K. Zagurskie of Juniata County received a 2013 Pro Bono Award during a presentation at the historic Juniata County Courthouse on May 2. Members of the Juniata County Bench and Bar celebrated the award presentation with PBA and MidPenn Legal Services staff. The Juniata County bar made $1,000 gift to MidPenn for Juniata County services on behalf of Zagurskie, a longtime pro bono volunteer.

Presentation of 2013 PBA Pro Bono Award to Entwistle & Roberts Law Firm, March 25, 2014
Shown above at the presentation of a 2013 PBA Pro Bono Award at the Adams County Courthouse to the law firm of Entwistle & Roberts are, from left, Jamison Entwistle, Heather Entwistle Roberts, Barbara Jo Entwistle, PBA President Forest N. Myers and Adams County Bar Association President Howard Eastman Jr.

2013 Cumberland County PBA Pro Bono Attorney of the Year: Megan Riesmeyer
The Pennsylvania Bar Association, through its Legal Services to the Public Committee, joined the Cumberland County Bar Association and its CCBA Pro Bono Committee in honoring Megan Riesmeyer as the recipient of the 2013 PBA Pro Bono Award. Shown above are award recipient Riesmeyer, right, with PBA County Bar Services Director Nicole Antos and Rob Kline, outgoing president of the CCBA. Read more about the award presentation.

PBA's Miller Wagner Receives 2013 Pro Bono Partner Award, Nov. 21, 2013
Gabriele Miller Wagner, administrative assistant for both PBA's Pro Bono Legal Services and County Bar Services departments, was awarded the 2013 PBA Pro Bono Partner Award at PBA Committee/Section Day, Nov. 21, by PBA Military and Veterans' Affairs Committee Chair Wes Payne. Miller Wagner was honored for her service beyond the PBA since she serves on her own time as a regional coordinator for the Young Lawyers Division's "Wills for Heroes" program and does volunteer work on behalf of veterans as well. Presented to a nonlawyer who supports legal services to those in need, the award nomination for Miller Wagner noted that she "is a champion of pro bono service" and a "shining example to lawyers and nonlawyers across Pennsylvania about the positive difference one person can make!"
Lebanon County Bar Association Name Pro Bono Award for Warner, November 2013,
At the annual meeting of the Lebanon County Bar Association in November 2013, it was the unanimous vote of the membership to name the annual PBA Pro Bono Recognition Award the William H. G. Warner Pro Bono Attorney Award, honoring Warner’s commitment to legal services and to working to make pro bono legal service what it is today in Lebanon County. Read some of Warner's documents illustrating his commitment to the field.
Lackawanna to Recognize Pro Bono Volunteers, Nov. 19, 2013

Andrew Alston Wins First Law Student Pro Bono Partner Award, Nov. 1, 2013
The PBA presented Andrew Alston its first Law Student Pro Bono Partner Award on Nov. 1, 2013, in a special ceremony at the Defender Association of Philadelphia. Alston spent six years with the association - starting as a volunteer, then as a paralegal and now as an assistant public defender, having now graduated from Temple University's James E. Beasley School of Law and recently passing the bar Chief Defender Ellen Greenlee, with Alston in the photo above, presented the award along with PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David K. Trevaskis. Alston's nomination noted that "his whole reason for going to law school was to serve the most needy of our fellow Pennsylvanians," a task he has been working on since he was a college student. The range of Alston's activities as a law student, from programs in the Philadelphia Traffic to work with the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, show his commitment and underscore the significant contribution law students can make to accessing justice for the poor. Alston has worked with ex-offenders re-entering society and with veterans facing a wide variety of legal issues. Those programs continue to thrive with volunteer work from area law students from Temple, Drexel, and Rutgers. Andrew has also volunteered for public education programs run by both the Philadelphia and Pennsylvania Bar associations. At a time when we are celebrating the 50th anniversary of Gideon but finding much more needs to be done on both the criminal and civil sides of the law to realize the promise of that case for access to justice for all, Alston's example is an inspiring rebuttal to the cynics who claim there is nothing we can do to change the picture. Congratulations to a great inaugural pick for this award!
2013 Pro Bono Award to Leslie Puida, PBA President Myers Remarks Featured at the Bucks County Pro Bono Nonprofit Community Vendor Fair and Reception, Oct. 30, 2013

Gray Honored with PBA Pro Bono Award at Reading Event, Oct. 23, 2013
Sharon L. Gray was recognized for her pro bono efforts with a PBA 2013 Pro Bono Award during the Berks County Bar Association's Pro Bono Awards Ceremony in Reading, Oct. 23, 2013, with PBA President Forest N. Myers on hand. Shown above, Frank Mulligan, left, a law firm partner of Gray's, accepts the award on her behalf from Myers. Read Gray's pro bono profile. Read Myers' remarks.
LSC Board Honors Pennsylvania Programs at Pittsburgh Meeting, Oct. 20-22, 2013
The national Legal Services Corp. (LSC) board met in Pittsburgh Oct. 20-22, with the program including honors for LSC programs from across Pennsylvania during the Pro Bono Awards Reception on Oct. 21. The reception was held at the K&L Gates law firm, with speakers including former Pennsylvania Governor and U.S. Attorney General Dick Thornburgh and U.S. Rep. Chaka Fattah. Also on Oct. 21: In the morning there were two distinguished panels discussing the importance of civil legal aid to the orderly functioning of the civil justice system, followed by a luncheon. The panels were held in the Pennsylvania Supreme Court courtroom. The luncheon was held at the Renaissance Hotel. Click here for photos from the event. Following are the pro bono honorees:
James P. DeAngelo, nominated by MidPenn Legal Services Inc.
Mary R. Bates, nominated by Southwestern Pennsylvania Legal Services Inc.
Ronald R. Bolig, nominated by Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania
Gregory L. Heidt, nominated by Northwestern Legal Services
Pittsburgh Pro Bono Partnership, nominated by Neighborhood Legal Services Association
Rieders, Travis, Humphrey, Harris, Waters and Waffenschmidt, nominated by North Penn Legal Services Inc.
Joseph A. Sullivan, nominated by Philadelphia Legal Assistance Center
Westmoreland Legal Foundation, nominated by Laurel Legal Services Inc.

Krone PBA Pro Bono Award Winner in Dauphin County, Sept. 26, 2013
Stephen R. Krone is the 2013 PBA Pro Bono Award winner of Dauphin County. A longtime legal services attorney, Krone has continued upon retirement to use his talents in helping the poor, continuing to come to the MidPenn Legal Services (MLS) office to work on pro bono cases and serve as a mentor to less seasoned attorneys. At a time when legal aid programs are closing offices and losing staff, Krone provides MLS with an invaluable resource. In 2007 Krone was honored as the PBA's Civil Legal Aid Attorney of the Year for dedicating more than 35 years of his career to public service at MLS and its predecessor, Dauphin County Legal Services, for using his extensive experience in many areas of the law, particularly housing, Social Security and child support, to help low-income persons, and for mentoring many new lawyers at MidPenn Legal Services. Krone is shown above upon receiving his award at the Dauphin County Bar Association, Sept. 26, 2013, with Ashley Gabrielle, MLS staff attorney, and Sally Heffelfinger, MLS secretary.

Hogan Lovells Law Firm Wins 2012 PBA Pro Bono Award for Support of PILCOP
Shown below, Jennifer Clarke of the Public Interest Law center of Philadelphia (left) presents Hogan Lovells partner Virginia Gibson with a 2012 PBA Pro Bono Award won by the firm for its support of PILCOP in the legislative redistricting litigation. The firm was nominated by a Carbon County resident who commended the firm for taking on a difficult case as a pro bono matter and winning a verdict that impacted the entire commonwealth.

Carolyn Capobianco Receives 2012 PBA Pro Bono Partner Award, Feb. 23, 2013
Carolyn M. Capobianco, an administrator with the law firm of Ballard Spahr who coordinates the Wills for Heroes program in Pennsylvania and beyond, is the winner of the 2012 PBA Pro Bono Partner Award, presented to a non-lawyer who supports legal services to those in need. "Carolyn is the engine that drives the Wills for Heroes program in Pennsylvania," said David Keller Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator, on making the presentation. "Her service underscores the importance of non-lawyer partners in making pro bono service work!" Shown above with Capobianco holding her award are Dan J.T. McKenna (back, left), co-director of the Pennsylvania WFH program and president of the national WFH Foundation; Trevaskis (back, right); and Mary Gay Scanlon, pro bono counsel for Ballard Spahr and chair of the firm's Pro Bono Committee. Photo by Nick Capobianco.

Samuel W. Milkes, Executive Director of the Pennsylvania Legal Aid Network, Receives 2012 Civil Legal Aid Attorney of the Year Award from PBA President Thomas G. Wilkinson Jr.

Cooper Receives 2012 Pro Bono Award, Winter 2012-13
Bucks County Judge C. Theodore Fritsch Jr. honored the pro bono service of Harry J. Cooper, presenting him with a 2012 PBA Pro Bono Award. Cooper routinely provides more than 100 hours of such service each year, taking some of the toughest cases that come into the PBA Pro Bono Office, particularly for veterans facing a myriad of problems, both civil and criminal. Judge Fritsch lauded Cooper and all pro bono attorneys for their service to the neediest among us.
Pro Bono Awards Presented at Cumberland County Bar Association Gathering, Jan. 24, 2013
Below are photos from the event.

From left, John W. Frommer, Samuel L. Andes and Bret P. Shaffer; Andes received a PBA 2012 Pro Bono Award; Frommer and Shaffer each received the Cumberland County Bar Association’s 2012 Pro Bono Attorney of the Year Award.

Andes with PBA President Forest N. Myers

Marcus A. McKnight III, left, and Myers.
PBA Vice President O'Connor Presents Awards Honoring
Lackawanna County Pro Bono Effort, Nov. 29, 2012
PBA Vice President Francis X. O'Connor joined lawyers and judges from Lackawanna County for a celebration of pro bono service in Scranton on Nov. 29. O'Connor presented 2012 PBA Pro Bono Awards and applauded the pro bono effort in the county. Click here for more information and photos from the event.
Amy B. Good Receives Pro Bono Award at Berks County Event, Oct. 23, 2012
Wyomissing lawyer Amy B. Good received a PBA Pro Bono Award during the Berks County Bar Association's Pro Bono Week program addressed by former U.S. Attorney General and Pennsylvania Gov. Dick Thornburgh. Click here for more.
Martin N. Ghen Receives Pro Bono Award at Bucks County Event, Oct. 24, 2012
Chalfont lawyer Martin N. Ghen received a PBA Pro Bono Award during the Bucks County Pro Bono Week reception addressed by PBA President Thomas G. Wilkinson Jr. Click here for more.
Lebanon County Bar Honors C. Walter Whitmoyer as 'Pro Bono Attorney of the Year,' Oct. 25, 2012
Washington County's First 'Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year' Awardees Bowman and Rundquist Honored at Pro Bono Week Event, Oct. 29, 2012
Attorneys Rebecca A. Bowman and David E. Rundquist Jr. are the 2012 recipients of the Washington County Bar Association's inaugural "Pro Bono Lawyer of the Year" award. The attorneys, who are WCBA members, were selected by the bar association's Pro Bono and Lawyer Referral Services Committee for their outstanding contributions of legal services through organized pro bono programs to the indigent of Washington County. Find out more .
Washington County Honors Pro Bono Attorneys, Oct. 29, 2012

PBA President Wilkinson at Delaware County Bar Association's Legal Aid Benefit, Oct. 4, 2012
PBA President Thomas G. Wilkinson Jr. joined Delaware County lawyers and staff of Legal Aid of Southeastern Pennsylvania (LASP) at the "Sweeten the Pot" legal aid fundraiser held in Media, Oct. 4. Shown below are, from left, 2012 PBA Pro Bono Award winner William A. Galinas, Karen Tyler of LSAP, 2012 PBA Pro Bono Winner Lyn B. Schoenfeld and Wilkinson. Read Wilkinson's remarks.
2012 PBA Pro Bono Awards
January 2012 Announcement by PBA President Matt Creme Opening the Awards Nomination Period
2012 Pro Bono Awards, Judges Award and Pro Bono Partner Award Winners Listed by County
2012 Awards Narratives

Stanzione Receives Legal Services to the Public Committee Award, 2012
The PBA Legal Services to the Public Committee has presented awards to lawyers deserving special recognition for voluntary efforts to provide free and reduced-fee legal representation to low-income Pennsylvanians for the past quarter century. Receiving the award recently for Chester County was John Stanzione, a valuable advocate for the clients of Legal Aid of Southeast Pennsylvania (LSAP) for more than 10 years. While President of the Chester County Bar Association, Stanzione, shown here with David K. Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator, promoted and supported the access to justice of the needy while directly assisting LASP clients with unemployment cases.

Presentation of 2011 PBA Pro Bono Award Dennis J. Gounley of Greensburg, January 2012
Dennis J. Gounley, of Greensburg, received his 2011 PBA Pro Bono Award at a Westmoreland Bar Association program. Shown below, longtime WBA and PBA leader Dick Galloway, left, presents the award for Gounley's assistance to pro bono clients with debt collection and bankruptcy issues.
North Penn Legal Services Volunteer Michelle DeWald Honored with 2011 PBA Pro Bono Award, Dec. 21, 2011
Vedder Receives 2011 PBA Pro Bono Award

From left, Emma Vedder, daughter of winner; Clyde W. Vedder, 2011 PBA Pro Bono Award recipient; his wife, Beth; and David Keller Trevaskis, PBA pro bono coordinator

From left, Ben Hooper, MidPenn York; Angela Eveler, Pennsylvania Immigration Resource Center; Vedder; David Trevaskis; and Rhodia Thomas, MidPenn Legal Services and Co-Chair, PBA Access to Justice Committee

From left, Hon. Richard K. Renn; Vedder; and Hon Clarence N. Patterson Jr.

Presentation of the 2011 Pro Bono Award, Cumberland County Bar Association
From left, Hubert Gilroy, George B. Faller Jr., Katie Maxwell, state Supreme Court Justice J. Michael Eakin, Jennifer Spears, PBA Vice President Forest N. Myers, Thomas J. Williams, David Fitzsimons, Chris VanLandingham and PBA Pro Bono Coordinator David K. Trevaskis
2011 Pro Bono Awards for Lancaster
Eric Rothermel: Rothermel was admitted to the practice of law in Pennsylvania in October 2009. He has made pro bono service part of his practice from the very beginning. He took his first pro bono case through the Volunteer Attorney Program in September 2009 and has handled 11 pro bono matters since then, including one custody case which required over 100 hours of work. He also serves as a co-coordinator of Lancaster County's Wills for Heroes program, which, through a team of volunteer attorneys and paralegals, provides free estate planning services to our county's primary responders (fire, police, EMT) and their spouses. In addition, Rothermel has assisted low-income taxpayers with tax return preparation through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance program. Angela Flouras Rieck: Rieck began her career as a judicial clerk, then entered private practice in October 2008. She immediately became active in the Volunteer Attorney Program and has handled 11 pro bono custody and Protection From Abuse cases since then. In addition, she has served since 2009 on Lancaster County's Youth Aid Panel, a panel of community members which works with first-time juvenile offenders and their parents to foster satisfactory alternative resolutions. She has also volunteered her time with the Wills for Heroes program, which provides free estate planning assistance to primary responders (police, fire, EMT).