A program cosponsored by the PBA Young Lawyers Division, "Wills for Heroes" provides free basic estate planning documents to first responders and military veterans in Pennsylvania. "Wills for Heroes" provides police, fire, emergency medical personnel, other first responders and military veterans – those on the frontlines for our personal safety – the tools they need to prepare adequately for the future.
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/WFHPA/
Programs are staffed by lawyer volunteers and are conveniently offered to first responders at meeting halls and police and fire stations.
Twitter - @Wills4HeroesPA
Want to bring Wills for Heroes to your county?
Click here for a list of county coordinators.
For more information, contact the YLD or one of the Pennsylvania program directors:
Want to be a volunteer? Click here.
Are you a first responder or military veteran? Click here for more information.
Upcoming W4H County Events
- Sept. 26, 2020 – Lancaster County Public Safety Training Center, Lancaster County
- Nov. 7, 2020 - Lancaster County Public Safety Training Center,Lancaster County