Become a Foundation Fellow

Any member who has not met the requirements for a higher level of recognition but who contributes at least $250 in the current year.

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Young Lawyer Life Fellows, those under age 40 or in practice less than 5 years, energize and operationalize our mission with their avid participation and support.

A Young Lawyer Life Fellow pledges $500 to the Pennsylvania Bar Foundation. Choose any one of these convenient contribution options:

  • Make a single one-time contribution of $500
  • Split your payments into 4 consecutive annual installments of $125
  • Use your credit card to pay in 48 monthly contributions of $10.42
  • Donate now

Life Fellows are the life’s blood of the Foundation. They are distinguished individuals over the age of 40 and in practice more than 5 years who have repeatedly demonstrated their commitment to the profession through their leadership activities in their local and state bar communities.

Life Fellows pledge $1,000 to the Pennsylvania Bar Foundation. Choose any one of these convenient contribution options:

  • Make a single one-time contribution of $1,000
  • Split your payments into 4 consecutive annual installments of $250
  • Use your credit card to pay in 48 monthly contributions of $20.84
  • Donate now

Any senior bar member over the age of 40 who contributes at least $500 by making a one lump sum or pays over a two-year period. Choose any one of these convenient contribution options:

  • Make a single one-time contribution of $500
  • Split your payments into two annual installments of $250
  • Donate now

Commonwealth Club members invest in the “common good” and provide significant financial support to the Foundation by directing their contributions either to the Civics and Law-related Education Fund, the Pro Bono Fund, the Endowment Fund, the Loan Repayment Assistance Program or to the support Foundation operations.

Commonwealth Club members pledge a minimum of $5,000 to the Pennsylvania Bar Foundation and have up to 10 years to fulfil the pledge. Choose any one of these convenient contribution options:

  • Make a single one-time contribution of $5,000
  • Split your payments into 10 consecutive annual installments of $500
  • Use your credit card to pay in 120 monthly contributions of $41.67
  • Donate now

Existing Life Fellows and Young Lawyer Life Fellows who become Commonwealth Club members are credited $1,000 and $500 respectively, towards the fulfillment of the Commonwealth Club pledge.

Any member who has contributed at least $7,500 within a ten year period by making annual contributions of at least $750 or who has pledged to do so and is current in making the required annual payments. Choose any one of these convenient contribution options:

  • Make a single one-time contribution of $7,500
  • Split your payments into 10 consecutive annual installments of $750
  • Use your credit card to pay in 120 monthly contributions of $62.50
  • Donate now

Keystone Society members are focused on the Foundation’s future. They are pivotal contributors who are helping the Foundation build an endowment to ensure its longevity and sustainability.

Keystone Society members pledge a minimum of $10,000 to the Pennsylvania Bar Foundation, and 100% of the contribution is directed to the Endowment Fund. Choose any one of these convenient contribution options:

  • Make a single one-time contribution of $10,000
  • Split your payments into 10 consecutive annual installments of $1,000
  • Use your credit card to pay in 120 monthly contributions of $83.34
  • Donate now

Cumulative Giving Policy